These policy briefs are the result of research carried out over three or four years as part of various thematic calls under the Prospective Research for Brussels (PRB/ex-Anticipate) programme. Their aim is to contribute to public debate on important issues and to provide new perspectives.

PRB research seeks to make proposals for improving our world and our lives, by making their complexity more comprehensible, by shedding light on the way our society functions and on the living conditions of the people of Brussels, and by enabling the design of new techniques, infrastructures, institutions, etc.

However, despite the quest for positive impact on the material and physical well-being of human beings, science sometimes creates new risks, ethical dilemmas and controversies. This is why, in the same way the recent research and innovation policies launched by the European Union call on researchers to engage in responsible research (by taking account of these inherent risks and dilemmas), it is important that the actors who make use of the results of this research extend this responsibility, to ensure that scientific contributions and societal issues are aligned between research bodies, politicians and government departments.

As such, we request that the results from these policy briefs are treated with the same sense of responsibility.


Economy and employment



Housing and residential economy

Infrastructure and Commerce


Resources and circular economy

Smart City


Wellbeing and living together



Would you like to obtain information on previous projects? Please contact Emmanuelle Pottier (Prospective Research) or Xavier Hulhoven (Co-Creation).

Brussels, City of Innovators

With the support of Innoviris, their skills, their innovative ideas and their enthusiasm boost evolution in the Brussels-Capital Region. Meet the innovators that shape the future of Brussels.
shifting economy Ecodyn

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