During the Get Innovation Moving installation, no fewer than 46,442 people passed through the big door to innovation in Brussels.

Passers-by could discover inspiring projects and enthusiastic partners within the innovative ecosystem. With this awareness campaign, we presented scientific research and innovation in the Brussels street scene for the first time.

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Save the date for our next I love Science Festival, from 15 to 17 October 2021! 


Co-Creation GIM

Each Co-Creation project is a gateway to this new urban future Projects start from a relevant urban service and look at...

Walk of Innovators

On the map, in full Dutch or French version, you will be able to find interesting projects or partners of STEM Brussels...

Brussels, City of Innovators

Meet the innovators that shape the future of Brussels, with the support of Innoviris.

Brussels Science Promotion Network

Join the Brussels Science Promotion Network, meet colleagues and get inspired during our events.
shifting economy Ecodyn

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