Innoviris processes your application for financial aid in complete confidentiality. Its staff members are required to strictly comply with this rule.

They may not use confidential information for any purposes other than for the analysis and monitoring of the project and are required to declare any conflicts of interest which may influence their judgement.

Apart from certain information, such as the name of your company, the title of the project, the amount of the financial aid allocated, and/or the project summary which you communicate to Innoviris, no information about the project will be communicated to third parties, except, if necessary, to the members of the college of experts in charge of giving an opinion about your project. For each project they are required to examine, these experts sign a separate confidentiality agreement.

Brussels, City of Innovators

With the support of Innoviris, their skills, their innovative ideas and their enthusiasm boost evolution in the Brussels-Capital Region. Meet the innovators that shape the future of Brussels.
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