The Driving Urban Transitions (DUT) research programme, launched in 2022, brings together 63 funding agencies from 27 European countries and the European Commission,, with the aim of creating a European centre for research and innovation (R&I). The funding programme, which will run for 11 years, will enable researchers in Brussels to develop solutions around three themes known as "Transition Pathways":

- les quartiers à énergie positive (PED)  

- Le voyage urbain en 15 minutes (15mC)  

- L'économie circulaire urbaine (CUE)  


Innoviris is coordinating this call for proposals for the Brussels-Capital Region and has already welcomed more than 22 project partners who submitted a total of 15 proposals under the 1st call. 6 of them were invited to the second stage and finally 4 projects were suggested for funding by the jury of international experts of the DUT partnership.


4 Brussels projects meet the challenges of urban transition

The Brussels initiatives selected to receive funding via Innoviris will tackle urban challenges to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy and way of operating. Three of them are working on mobility and one on the circular economy:


DREAMS ( “Driving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood Transformations”, VUB et Mpact),  

CITWIN ( “A generic digital twin framework to foster sustainable mobility in the 15mC”, ECF),

FORTHCOMING (“FOsteRing THe City Of proximity through Maas INteGration”, Eurocities)  

GREEN-INC ( “GRowing Effective & Equitable Nature-based Solutions through INClusive Climate Actions”, partenariat entre la VUB, l’ULB et EGEB) .  


shifting economy Ecodyn

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