The Brussels government encourages innovative public procurement

Public procurement is a major economic challenge in Belgium: it represents 50 billion euros per year. What if the government made different choices?

Public procurement is a major economic challenge in Belgium: nearly 20,000 public contracts are launched each year and as many choices have to be made that can have a significant impact on innovation.

As a regional support centre for innovative public procurement in the Brussels-Capital Region, Innoviris intends to work with the Brussels administrations to implement an innovative public procurement policy.

As a key player in innovation in Brussels, Innoviris wishes to use its expertise and network of stakeholders to attract buyers from the Brussels-Capital Region, such as public institutions, municipalities and other public buyers.

The objective is to create the conditions and incentives for the development and systematic dissemination of innovations that contribute to the socio-economic and environmental needs of Brussels today and tomorrow.

Several steps have been identified, from awareness raising to training, and from financial to legal and technical support.

In January 2022, the first stage of this initiative involved an online survey of regional and local authorities. 

This was followed by interviews on the need for support in innovative public procurement and an innovative public procurement workshop for public administrations.

This Brussels initiative is part of a wider movement at European level to promote innovative public procurement at EU level:

More information will be published shortly on the "Innovative Public Procurement" page.

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