This program is aimed at Brussels residents looking to get involved in exploring new avenues for societal transitions. Whether active in public institutions, businesses, research organisations, associations, or simply living in Brussels, these people are those who are faced with the risk of change, those who will have to adapt their practices, who want to, are able to, or will have to lead, commit to, or carry out transitions, adapt, experiment, risk going off-course. These are the "agents of change" and the program aims to support them in the risks of these explorations.

The Co-Create program supports research and experimental development program led co-creatively with agents of change, aiming to meet the challenges of societal transitions serving the Brussels Capital Region's sustainable development.

Are you eligible to apply?

Any Brussels-based entity with a legal structure (business, non-profit organisation, research organisation, public institution, etc.) is eligible to apply.

What's the process?

The procedure is detailed in the regulations below.  

Good to know

The program supports three types of project to be implemented, depending on the maturity of the societal transformation envisaged.

To find out more, watch our Co-Create video here.

  • A Co-Problematisation project of a maximum of 15 months, to achieve a greater understanding of the problem and the societal need, and to develop a state of knowledge, all with the various agents of change involved or impacted by the desired change. The aim of this is to establish new dialogues, broaden perspectives, identify levers to be actioned, and to enhance or even transform the points of reference.
  • A Co-Research project to carry out a research project with the agents committed to the change, in order to generate the new knowledge needed to answer the research questions.
  • A Co-Development project to carry out an experimental development project with the agents committed to the change. The aim of this is to generate the new knowledge needed to clear up the final unknown aspects associated with achieving the desired transition.

Want to find out more about the current Co-Create projects and explore the many resources available? Then head over to:


Full details of the procedure can be found in the terms and conditions for eligibility in our regulations (only in french and dutch).


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