European Innovation Counsel - Seal of Excellence implementation in Brussels Capital Region

What is the Seal of Excellence?

The Seal of Excellence is a quality label awarded by the European Commission to proposals which have been assessed in a call for proposals under a Union instrument and are deemed to comply with the quality requirements of that Union instrument but could not be funded. These projects are judged to deserve funding and might receive support from other Union or national sources of funding.

The Seal of Excellence certificate recognises the value of the proposal and helps other funding bodies take advantage of the high quality Commission evaluation process.

The Seal of Excellence certificate indicates basic information on the proposal, the call and the proposer. It demonstrates political commitment by displaying the signatures of the Commissioners. It is unique and safe. It is digitally sealed against fraud, as is the project proposal and evaluation summary report.


What to do with your EIC Seal of excellence in BCR?

The EIC Accelerator and the EIC Transition activities Seals of Excellence are highly recognised as a proof of an excellent Innovation project by the Brussels funding agencies Innoviris and Finance&Invest.Brussels. To honour Brussels based laureates, the agencies are eager to guide these companies in an efficient and concrete way to get their SoE project aligned with the most appropriate regional funding scheme and possible financing.

With the support of NCP.Brussels a common meeting will be organised, the Brussels.SoE-meeting. During this meeting you get the chance to present the project and its ambitions. The funding agencies will based on this presentation and Q&A help you to find the best regional funding scheme.


The procedure in 3 steps

  • Contact NPC.Brussels with your EIC.SoE project and ask for the Brussels.SoE -meeting
  • Present your SoE project @ the Brussels.SoE - meeting
  • Get instant custom made advise for the most appropriate regional funding scheme from Innoviris and/or Finance&Invest.Brussels.


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