Are you a school in the Brussels-Capital Region? Would you like to call upan an organisation active in the scientific field, go on an scientific excursion or organise an experimental workshop?

With the 'Science Vouchers' initiative, Innoviris wants to stimulate activities to raise awareness of science and new technologies among Brussels schoolchildren. With the Science Voucher you can receive funding of up to €5,000 per school, depending on your needs. The cheque can be requested every year for the organisation of activities in your nursery, primary or secondary school.

Are you eligible?

The initiative is aimed at Brussels schools (nursery, primary or secondary recognised by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Flemish Community. The school submitting an application can call upon an awareness-raising actor for its action. This actor must be mentioned in the application form. Attention, the activity for which the request is made cannot begin before of the Science Voucher application is submitted.        

The procedure in 2 steps

  1. Applications, using the form available at the bottom of this page, are submitted at any time by the school (or its organizing authority) through the responsible person (principal, manager, etc.). They are sent to the following email addresses: and
  2. Innoviris evaluates the application on the basis of the different criteria explained in the rules.

At the end of the awareness-raising action, the applicant draws up an activity report and a statement of expenditure. After analysing the reports, the grant is paid out.

Good to know

The financial support covers a variable period of up to one year and amounts to a maximum of €5,000 for schools located in an urban regeneration area (ZRU) and €3,000 for schools located outside urban regeneration areas.

Click here for our catalogue of scientific activities in Brussels. This is not an exhaustive list of organisations where the cheques can be used, but you can get some inspiration. 

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