Thanks to COPIL, our passionate eco-dynamic team of 10 volunteers at Innoviris, we were able to achieve the first star of the label quickly.  Th interdisciplinary team has worked hard to implement numerous good environmental practices to reduce the negative impact of Innoviris' activities on the planet.

After this flying start, the COPIL team is already working hard to obtain the next star of the label.

Innovation and scientific research that respects the limits of our planet and serves its inhabitants, mankind, are the raison d'être of Innoviris.  The new Regional Innovation Plan 2021-2027 is our compass to finance, stimulate and guide creative solutions for the societal challenges of today and tomorrow. We do not do this alone, but together with our ecosystem of stakeholders, game changers, researchers and innovators in Brussels.

Brussels, as a regional Innovation Leader according to the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard, has all the assets to take innovation and research to the next level around the 6 strategic innovation domains.  

The transitions we are pursuing and financing in the Brussels region are also something we want to achieve internally.

Innoviris is keen to set an example, step by step, socially and ecologically.  

You can find more info via leefmilieu.brussel

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