Are you a journalist looking to for more news about Innoviris, about our initiatives and about our beneficiaries?

Interested in our press content or visuals? 

Next to our press news on the French or Dutch pages, we are happy to assist you with English version of the news releases. 

You will find an overview of all thematic and open calls or programmes on the useful calendar

We welcome you also in our Belga Prezly pressroom for more press news and visuals.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any other information, interview with our direction or experts. 

You can find our logo suite and brand guidelines below.




Our press kits

06 October 2021
Presentatie van het nieuwe Gewestelijk Innovatieplan voor 2021-2027 Op 6 oktober stellen het directieteam van Innoviris en Barbara Trachte...
21 June 2021
Er beweegt wat rond innovatie en onderzoek in Brussel… We willen ontzettend graag twee belangrijke mijlpalen met u delen die de komende...


Sophie Messens
Team Leader
Communication Team
+32 2 600 50 62

Brussels, City of Innovators

With the support of Innoviris, their skills, their innovative ideas and their enthusiasm boost evolution in the Brussels-Capital Region. Meet the innovators that shape the future of Brussels.
shifting economy Ecodyn

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