Functioning of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC)...
Composition of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The composition for the 6th mandate (2021 - 2025) of The Council for...
Legislation of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC)...
Composition of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region

Composition of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region

The composition for the 6th mandate (2021 - 2025) of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC) was approved by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region on 27 October 2021.

The Chairwoman, Bureau and Deputy Chairman were elected at the first plenary meeting on 13 December 2021.

Chairwoman: Julie Leroy 

Deputy Chairman: Jean-Christophe Renauld 

Members of the Bureau: 

  • Julie Leroy - Agoria
  • Jean-Christophe Renauld - UCL
  • Karen Crabbé -
  • Ela Callorda Fossati - ACV/CSC
  • Mieke Gijsemans - VUB

Representatives of university and higher education institutions

  • Marius Gilbert - ULB
  • Benjamin Wayens - ULB
  • Isabelle Lefebvre - ULB
  • Mieke Gijsemans - VUB
  • Jacobus Boonen - VUB
  • Jean-Christophe Renauld - UCL
  • Etienne Gicquel - HELDB Meurice
  • Xavier Wauthy - USL-B
  • Catherine Deschepper - HELDV
  • Stephen Depuydt - ERA-H

Representatives of employers' organisations represented on the Economic and Social Council of the Brussels-Capital Region (CESRBC)

  • Bruno Gérard - Bruxeo
  • Julie Leroy - Agoria
  • Michel Devriese - UNPLIB
  • Karen Crabbé -
  • Carine Lambert - Essenscia

Representatives of the employees' organisations represented in the CESRBC

  • Tim Van De Voorde - ACLVB/CGSLB
  • Benoît Dassy - ACV/CSC
  • Ela Callorda Fossati - ACV/CSC
  • Alessandro Grumelli - ABVV/FGTB
  • Samuel Droolans - ABVV/FGTB

Experts representing collective research centres in the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Johan Van Dessel - Buildwise
  • Herman Derache - SIRRIS

Observers of the members of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region

  • Stéphanie Lepczynski - Office of Barbara Trachte
  • Julien Dumont - Offfice Barbara Trachte
  • Maurice Bohet - Office of Rudi Vervoort
  • Thomas Otte - Office of Bernard Clerfayt
  • Thomas De Keyser - Office of Sven Gatz
  • Sarah Flament - Office of Alain Maron
  • Mathieu Vervoort - Office of Nawal Ben Hamou
  • Anton Houthuys -  Office of Elke Van den Brandt
  • Wim Smet - Office of Ans Persoons
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