Functioning of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC)...
Composition of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The composition for the 6th mandate (2021 - 2025) of The Council for...
Legislation of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC)...
The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region is an independent consultative body of the regional government.

Legislation of The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region

The Council for Science Policy of the Brussels-Capital Region (CPSRBC) was established by the Ordinance of 10 February 2000.

The Ordinance of 26 June 2003 on the establishment of the Brussels Institute for Scientific Research and Innovation (now Innoviris), specifies that the Institute is responsible for the secretariat of the CPSRBC.

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