Everyone has the potential to realise innovative projects, to become a game-changer.

With out-of-the-box thinking, healthy insight and sometimes a dose of courage.


Innovation and research require sufficient financial resources to realise strategic plans.

As a start-up and as a scale-up, in the initial phase, from developing a prototype to marketing the final product.

And this is where Innoviris comes in.

To support daredevils and doers in our region, we launched the ISA, the Innovative Starters Awards, in 2010.

With the objective to grant each winner with award of 500 000 EUR to succeed in their bright plans.

Splendid idea, but was it a success? 

Get inspired by the stories of the ISA winners, and find out lhow the award supported their innovation journey in the video



We actively support your innovation project with financial funding for research and development. With the ambition to give our regional...
What are they up to? And where can we find them? We map them out for you literally and figuratively on the 'Walk of Innovators'. A digital...
Every year, the Innovative Starters Awards (ISA) by Innoviris encourage game-changers and entrepreneurs who offer added value with their...

Meet the ISA winners

L’ASBL Alkymia organise des spectacles scientifiques proposant une forte interactivité avec le public. Les spectacles Cerclo Sapiens,...
Innovative Starters Award
Innovative Starters Award
uWare Robotics
Innovative Starters Award
uWare Robotics
Innovative Starters Award
Innovative Starters Award
(e)valuation of houses
Innovative Starters Award
(e)valuation of houses

Brussels, City of Innovators

With the support of Innoviris, their skills, their innovative ideas and their enthusiasm boost evolution in the Brussels-Capital Region. Meet the innovators that shape the future of Brussels.
shifting economy Ecodyn

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