Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society

Are you looking to conduct disruptive research on the topic of health? Health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not the absence of disease or other physical defects. Could this research be performed by an interinstitutional and multidisciplinary consortium of research organizations and mentor(s) located in the Brussels-Capital Region? Is the medium-term objective of the project to valorize its results? Discover our call.

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This program is aimed at Brussels residents looking to get involved in exploring new avenues for societal transitions. Whether active in public institutions, businesses, research organisations, associations, or simply living in Brussels, these people are those who are faced with the risk of change, those who will have to adapt their practices, who want to, are able to, or will have to lead, commit to, or carry out transitions, adapt, experiment, risk going off-course. These are the "agents of change" and the program aims to support them in the risks of these explorations.

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shifting economy Ecodyn

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