Document Extension Size Title
Form docx 117.76 KB Proof of Concept
Budget xlsx 13.31 KB Proof of Concept
Intermediate activity report docx 53.56 KB Proof of Concept
Final activity report docx 63.45 KB Proof of Concept
Flyer POC pdf 873.56 KB Proof of Concept
Declaration of the applicant's qualification docx 457.54 KB Prospective Research
Regulation pdf 989.82 KB Prospective Research
Budget FR xlsx 11.9 KB Prospective Research
Budget NL xlsx 11.14 KB Prospective Research
Form doc 203.5 KB Prospective Research
Guidelines pdf 459.26 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Form EOI FR docx 179.35 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Form EOI NL docx 182.98 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Portfolio santé FR pdf 1.71 MB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Portfolio gezondheid NL pdf 1.7 MB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
RETHINKING HEALTH - Presentation pdf 648.47 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
FAQ docx 17.44 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Déclaration relative à la qualification du demandeur docx 54.13 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Verklaring betreffende de kwalificatie van de aanvrager docx 94.32 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society
Template budget FR xlsx 12.52 KB Research Platforms – Towards a healthcare society

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